


The voice of Charity, came from a concept found in Gods word ( matt 5:16 TLB)

Don't hide your light! Let it shine for all; Let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father. Voice of Charity has become a means we use to reach out to windows, orphans, physically challenged and the less privileged.

During this outreach, we minister to their spiritual and physical needs, we reveal Christ Jesus as The Way, The Truth and The Life. Many receives salvation, healing for infirmities and finally everyone receives material and financial gifts from us. They endup praising God for all He has done for them through us and the voice of praise that goes up to heaven is the true Voice of Charity for men ought to Glorify our Father in Heaven. God alone is to be seen whenever we let our light Shine forth through the " Acts of Great Love " For the light we shine was given to us on trust ( 2 cor 9:10-14 TLB ).

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Voice of Missions, has always been a huge project of Joy for us because, in voice of Missions, we travel to rural areas in search of Missionaries doing the work of the Ministry in remote and abandon places by many who were previously called there to serve.

Our goal is to make sure that the Voice of a missionary will always be heard in rural places. In pursuit of this mission, we reach out to them through this medium to have fellowship of encouragement with them, listen to the challenges they face in the field assigned to them and as well minister to their personal and Ministerial needs.

This outreach has become an avenue for us to search out new missionaries to be placed under our Monthly food supply and missionary stipends. The missionaries, ends up giving praise to God is faithful and mindful of them by sending us to strengthen their hands in the work of Ministry.

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God's Kindness is our water project outreach to the Society where we reveal Christ as the Living water needed in everyone's life. It all started in the city of Enugu, Enugu State Nigeria when The Lord told us in the month of August 2021 that the cry of the people has come up to Him because of the scarcity of water in the land and that we should go and provide clean free water for them.

In February 2022, we made the clean water available in all the Local Government Area (LGA). The severe scarcity of water in this region, is due to the yearly 5 - 6 month drought that starts from November to April. Since Enugu is a land of coal, during this season, the wells in this region as source of water dries up or the water becomes dark, muddy and oily With unpleasant odour until the raining season returns.

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G2B INT'L, gives scholarship to the less privileged and orphans from nursery school to University level.we provide all they need to be comfortable as students and to study very hard because, whenever a child fails, he or she loses the scholarship opportunity.

NOTE: You can sponsor Many orphans and physically challenged people under the umbrella of G2B Int'l and we shall be glad, working with you on this personal project with transparency and Accountability.

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Honor for missions has always been an opportunity for us to celebrate the uniqueness of father's of Faith who may not have been known like most of our known and popular fathers in the faith. This has given us the rare previlage of meeting with many father's of Faith, we celebrate them as heroes for their doggedness towards their call and for their labour of love that has benefited many today because they did not give up on their call even when things were tough for them and their family.We honor them by giving Awards and cash gifts to them for now, We intend to build for most of them as honor to them for Clearing the pathway as pathfinders and for watering the ground for others to have a soft landing. We are out to do this because most of them served God faithfully without having much material blessings to make life and ministry easy in their active days in the Field/ Ministry.

By this great act of honor, we provoke and receive the Father's blessing upon us and all our partners. This Honor and celebration of fathers also covers late missionaries and pastor's whose work of love, sacrifice and grace touched and impacted the lives of many. We are to provide a comfortable home for those not living in one and as well place their children and grand children on scholarship because their father served God well and their widows are placed on our life Honor for Missions Allowance.

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This is our daily 95 minutes (1hr : 35min) intercessory prayer engagement for nations of the world, for the lost souls of men, missionaries and for every called and anointed servant of God across the globe. Jesus Said in matt 9:37-38, that the harvest is ripe and great but workers/ labourers are few, So pray the Lord who is in charge of the harvest: ask Him to send more workers into His fields. We take this command very serious because it's a request from the Lord Jesus Himself.

We engage daily in the Lord's request and desire, we fight and destroy the veils covering the heart of men and nations, stopping them from coming to the Knowledge of the Lord and we demand for the release of labourers into God's fields on daily basis. Our desire is to see more lost souls, harvested and translated into the kingdom of Light. We believe that the price Jesus paid was for the whole world to be saved although not all shall be saved so, the whole world has become a burden in our hearts and we are so passionate about this assignment for the salvation of the souls of men and for nations of the world to find God.

We look forward to have you join the operation 95 squad to insist and battle for the release of the lost soul's of men and women in captivity in all the nations of the world. As ambassadors of the Kingdom and squad members of operation 95, we take advantage of the various gate times to invest and harvest the souls of men and women into the Kingdom everyday for 95 minutes.


9pm : 1hr : 35min
12am: 1hr : 35min
3am: 1hr : 35min
6am: 1hr : 35min
9am: 1hr : 35min
12pm: 1hr : 35min
3pm: 1hr : 35min
6pm: 1hr : 35min

We seek to grow an army for this invasion, please kindly select the most convenient time for you to invest together with other intercessors across the globe on your knees. God Bless You!

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NOTE: This platform is open to all intercesors with the burden to see souls won for God through prayers. Please join us today and labour for the purpose of kingdom advancement.