
Education & Materials

We provide all that is needed for the less privileged children to be able to go to school.

Skill Acquisitions

Trainings & Seminars

We train the less privileged in diverse skills. And provide them with the tools they require to start up their businesses.


Feeding & Shelter

We reach out to the poor, widows, orphans, prisoners, the disabled and the handicapped. We make our little contribution to help aleviate their sufferings.


We are born servants of Christ, fully committed to pleasing Him, our faith in Jesus Christ is foundational in our service and mission.

We are Steward's; we manage the resources entrusted to us faithfully since it's not ours, but for the work of Love.

Core Values

Our Core Values

We focus on encouraging and helping the most vulnerable missionaries in rural areas in Africa and across the globe overcome the financial stress and discouragements in the mission field.

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Vision Statement

Our Vision Statement

We preach Christ and His love through giving to the needy and to strengthen the hands of God's servants in various mission field by providing for their basic material needs and ministerial needs.

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Mission Statement

We are mostly concerned with anything that is for kingdom advancement.

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We partner with everyone who Love's God and humanity. we also partner with organizations whose goal is to help humanity and make life easier for the needy.

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Core Values



G2B Int'l is mostly concerned and involved in the Kingdom advancement initiatives.

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We focus on giving double honor and encouragement to the most vulnerable missionaries.

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Love is God's greatest attribute towards us that benefited him the most.

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We actively pray for the release of labourers into God's field as commanded by the Lord.

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G2B Int'l trains and feeds God's people with knowledge and understanding of God's Word.

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We are accountable first to God All Mighty, then to our donors and partner's.

We have a transparent financial policy that enables us to be transparent in all we do, we assure our donors and partner's that the fund's received, are strictly used for the intended purposes why it was raised. We update and upload live evidence of each concluded projects/ outreaches. We put this measures in place to carry our donors, partner's and the masses along in all we do and by this, they are able to see how far their funds went to put smiles in the face of the hurting and needy people in Africa and across the globe.


